Simpsons Narco Cube Art Table - Only a Few Left!

Simpsons Narco Cube Art Table - Only a Few Left!
The CasaNarco Exclusive Collection of Narcos is a one-of-a-kind collection that pays homage to the most iconic and disruptive figures throughout history, as well as new and future Narcos. These figures have all disrupted the established order in their respective time periods, just like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are doing in the art world today.
This LIMITED QUANTITY collection features a fun Simpsons-inspired art style that captures the spirit and personality of each narco figure. The collection includes a diverse range of figures, from historical figures like Pablo Escobar and El Chapo to new and future figures who are making their mark in the world today. Each figure is depicted in a unique and interesting way that is sure to spark conversation and interest.
Narcos: Escobar, El Chapo, Scarface, Godfather, Al Capone.
Coffee Table Size: 18" x 18" x 18"
Designed & Handmade in USA
High quality vibrant damage resistant laminated gloss vinyl print on Infinite edges wood cube structure and upholstered.
The collection was created to highlight how NFTs are the new Narcos, creating excitement in the art world and driving the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) crazy. NFTs are digital assets that are unique and cannot be replicated, just like the figures featured in this collection. They are driving innovation and creating new industries, just like the Narcos of the past.